This material was designed primarily for teachers at educational institutions to explain what they need to know when dealing with third-party copyrighted works in the classroom.
On the other hand, it is necessary to tell students and pupils that "this is a class, so you can reproduce it", or "you must comply with the requirements for citation". Please explain the difference between class and private life, such as, "since this is a class, you may reproduce an animated character and create a work of art, but if you upload a picture of that work onto a social networking service, you will be violating a copyright".
In addition, please inform students that they are the authors of their writings, drawings, and photographs and that copyrights apply to them.
- Academic eXchange for Information Environment and Strategy (AXIES) will make video materials available free of charge as copyright education materials for students.
- A PDF file of this material will also be available free of charge.
- Please use this material under the CC license.
Produced and published by AXIES
Contact: sugowaka35[at]
[change [at] to @].
This material has been produced with a grant from the Common Purpose Fund of the Society for the Administration of Remuneration for Public Transmission for School Lessons (SARTRAS).

We are striving to improve the content of this material. Please send us your comments at the URL below. We appreciate your cooperation.